Vertical Marketing Defined

Origin Story

Best In Market Marketing, won’t ever be enoUgh To Dominate A Vertical

Owning your network means understanding everything. Not being reliant on the “sanctity” of contracts doesn’t mean you don’t trust people, it simply means you’re prepared for anything.

Being realistic about the post-facts world all of us live in isn’t being cynical – it’s simply being prepared to meet the needs of all consumers.

Humans have been conditioned, programmed and brainwashed into thinking less, and clicking more. Attention spans are shrinking – and the last economic cycle encouraged businesses to spend into metrics that are simply a path to bankruptcy.

Marketing fails if it doesn’t actually care about ensuring that when the consumer and the business connect, there is real opportunity for long term success.

Vertical Insight is comprised of a team that has defied the odds and built dominating businesses in hyper competitive markets by understanding that the optimal path is the one where necessity and sincere opportunity intersect.

By simply having the courage to ask questions and say, “I don’t know, but I will find out”.